Our Services
Copy Editing
From students to self-published authors, we edit your manuscript or essay for punctuation, grammar, formatting, and source citation.
Manuscript Preparation
We provide manuscript preparation for self-published authors who require a fully formatted manuscript to submit to a publishing company.
Content Editing
We provide content editing consultation in both fiction and non-fiction in the following categories:
- Science Fiction
- Thriller/Suspense Fiction
- Young Adult Fiction
- Fantasy Fiction
- Christian Religion
- Christian Theology
- Christian Philosophy
- Christian History
Our Editor
Joshua T. Johnson, B.A., M.Div.
- Earned Bachelor of Arts degrees in English Language & Literature and Biblical Studies from Gordon College in Wenham, Massachusetts.
- Earned Masters of Divinity degree from Nazarene Theological Seminary in Kansas City, Missouri
- Twenty-four years of experience in writing, preaching, and teaching.
- Written and delivered over six-hundred sermons
- Self-published five books
- Written numerable scholarly essays
Personal & Confidential
- We work with one client at a time.
- You receive personal interactions throughout the process.
- The finished work belongs to you.
- Our involvement remains confidential.

Henry David Thoreau (1817-1862), as quoted in Robert Byrne, The 2,548 Best Things Anybody Ever Said (New York, NY: Simon & Schuster, 2006), #423.It takes two
to speak the truth–
one to speak
and another to hear.
Now accepting client inquiries.
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